My mother and what I call my second mother send me letters on a regular basis. I get letters for a the holidays, and then just because. The ones your not expecting are my favorite. I recently got my tongue pierced which, or course, did not make the parents happy in the least. It had the opposite effect actually. Finally I thought they got over it and understood that there isn't much they can do about it, until I picked up one of those unexpected letters.
I open this card my mom has sent me and it looks completly normal on the front, green with pink writting saying that I am a nice, gererous, beautiful person, one of those cards you can expect from your mother. Then I opened it and laughed for a good 5 minutes. Inside it said "Please don't get anything else pierced." Where did she find this card, I have no idea! It made me giggle for the rest of the day. Recieving mail is a good start to a day, as long as it's not a bill, but recieving mail that means something and causes you happiness is a supreme pick-me-up.
I open this card my mom has sent me and it looks completly normal on the front, green with pink writting saying that I am a nice, gererous, beautiful person, one of those cards you can expect from your mother. Then I opened it and laughed for a good 5 minutes. Inside it said "Please don't get anything else pierced." Where did she find this card, I have no idea! It made me giggle for the rest of the day. Recieving mail is a good start to a day, as long as it's not a bill, but recieving mail that means something and causes you happiness is a supreme pick-me-up.